To the Students |
The Bible is the most important book you can ever read. We are excited that you have decided to use ABR to help you study. We think you will have fun learning about the Bible and taking tests over what you have read. We think you will enjoy seeing the progress you are making and watching your point total grow as you read and test more. And we think you will be encouraged to study and learn more as you see other young people who are just as excited about God's Word as you are. May the Lord bless your study of His amazing Word.
Leaderboard (Active Users) |
User | Points |
Brenson | 1,750.4 | Brooke | 1,687.7 | Brecklyn | 1,675.0 | Evie | 1,629.6 | Brianna | 1,612.5 | Kirodriguez | 1,607.0 | Karodriguez | 1,599.3 | A Ninja | 1,566.1 | JMC2023 | 1,492.0 | fisheracademy | 1,275.8 | JMC2024 | 1,068.1 | ARhinehart | 1,029.1 | Eli | 1,013.3 | HBL2019 | 916.2 | Celeste | 897.4 | MrsEngland | 832.6 | fisheracademy2 | 705.5 | FES | 647.3 | fisheracademy3 | 625.5 | LincolnM | 616.4 | Allie | 557.8 | KTBass | 541.7 | KamRod | 533.5 | MMILLER | 524.8 | Annajones | 482.7 |
User | Points |
Samantha | 63.3 | Brecklyn | 59.5 | Brooke | 59.5 | Brenson | 59.5 | Brianna | 52.5 | Griffin | 50.4 | Chloe Williams | 37.95 | Lydia T | 26.6 | KTBass | 16 | JocelynK | 15.45 | acurry | 11.4 | jcurry | 8.35 | JMC2024 | 7 | alyssa.lawrence | 6.5 | AngelinaCo | 6 | mapleavechurchabby | 5.85 | KyliahW | 5.4 | OliverC | 5.4 | LydiaJones | 5 | Annajones | 4.5 | LDL2019 | 4.5 | einn | 4.5 | KandleP | 4.2 | Evan Humphrey | 4.05 | TammaraM | 3.6 |